Like it or Love it? DIIGO it!

I have written hundreds of papers in my lifetime. Most of those papers i did countless hours of research only til later lose the links or printed pages of research.Many papers require the same research be done again and again. If only i knew about DIIGO! If only the world was aware. since i was introduced to diigo.com i have called 15 friends to introduce the comcept. I introduced this to my 13 year old daughter who loves you tube videos and funny clips but hates when she can't find them anymore after she sees them once. We are all in love. Whats not to love about a sight that allows you to high-light, sticky note, snapshot, bookmar, and catalogue for life? I can follow professors and researchers so i know what they think is interesting. They do my work for me.     How could I not be aware of such a wonderful sight? I am not sure if i am just not in the know or if many people outside of my friends and family are using this as much as i am now. I created a group account for my family and close friends to share info with one another through a share group rather than just calling one another with inaccurate links to websites or emailing copied inserts.